Audrey Texel Cross Wool


Availability: In stock

We are thrilled to offer fleece from one of our partner farms, a young shepherd named Audrey who has recently started her own flock. The wool comes from Texel cross sheep and has a medium texture with a beautiful crimp that is simply stunning. The fleece is easy to wash and comes in a brilliant white color that takes dye exceptionally well, making it perfect for spinners and weavers who enjoy working with a range of colors. The texture of the wool is perfect for blankets and socks, providing both warmth and durability. While there may be some variation in the fibers due to the nature of the flock, the overall quality is exceptional and a testament to Audrey’s hard work and dedication to her flock. With its unique origins and exceptional quality, this Texel wool fleece from Audrey’s flock is sure to become a prized possession for fiber enthusiasts who value sustainability, quality, and performance.

Each bag is 1 lb of raw wool.